Dr. Leon B.Wellington’s (LBW) Interview with Dr. Braham

Dr. Leon Wellington (LBW) Former Vice President, Inter-American Division of SDA:
Dr. Braham, you have been charged with the responsibility for giving leadership to the program of evangelism and Church Growth in the Inter-American Division. This territory is known for its effectiveness in evangelism. Congratulations of this awesome responsibility. LBW: A Practical Guide to Evangelism: How to Win and Keep Members is written by you. In going through this book I find it a very valuable resource for the church. What motivated you to do this publication?

Dr, Balvin Braham’s (BBB) response: I have sensed the need for additional materials contextualized and which provide a how to approach for persons who need help to be more effective in evangelistic outreach. The Holy Spirit impacted my evangelistic ministry in a very powerful way and taught me many wonderful lessons. My own experience in evangelism has also inspired my thoughts and sensing the need for other to obtain information from one who has been there, done it and experienced success, I thought it was necessary to write this book.

LBW: How does this book differ from so many others that have been written on the subject of evangelism?

BBB. It gives you a more step-by step hands on approach. It is comprehensive and addresses not only soul winning but retention. It is a complete package for both
members and leaders at every level within the organization and the local church.

LBW: When you were writing this book, who or what did you have in mind?

BBB. Many things and many persons. The qualitative and Quantitative growth of the Church. In fact, everyone both those within and outside the Church. Church Pastors, Church Elders, Personal ministries Directors, the children, youth, family, education, health, women, men’s Ministries leaders at all levels of the Church. As well as every member including the new believers. In fact all the departmental areas of the church was given consideration. Theology students in our educational institutions as well.

Can you elaborate a little more on the perceived impact this book will make on the Qualitative and Quantitative growth of the Church as emphasized in this book?

BBB. (Chapter 2 answer this question very eloquently)

LBW: Share with us how this book is organized and what is the best method to be used in order to get the most out of the usage of it.

BBB. 4 Sections and appendix.
:Part 1 – Mobilizing your Church for Evangelism – Chapters 1 -3
:Part 2 – Strategizing for Successful Evangelism –Chapters 4-8
:Part 3 – Departmental Evangelistic Initiatives – Chapters 9-15
:Part 4 – Discipleship and Nurture – Chapters 16-18
Chapters 3, 7, 8 are central to each of the departmental chapters

LBW: I am intrigued by the last part of the title of the Book. How To Keep Members. Can you amplify on the thought behind this section and speak to some of the specific element of this section of the book.

BBB. (Chapters 16, 17 and 18) uniquely address this question

LBW: What is unique about the departmental chapters in this book?

BBB. Chapters 9-15 explain in detail.

LBW: Small Groups is a major soul winning method especially here in the IAD. What does this book say about effectively organizing and implementing this means of winning and keeping members?

BBB. I refer you to Chapter 5 for the response to that question

LBW: What about Public Evangelism? This seems to be a timeless approach to soul winning. What do you have to say about it in this book?

BBB. You are so correct about that. Chapter 6 sufficiently ventilates this subject.

LBW. Tell us about the Appendix. I notice you have some interesting materials there.

BBB. Indeed, it covers areas such as planting new churches, methods that may be employed in studying the bible, reclaiming former members and reaching non-Christians among other interesting topics.

LBW: Since the publication of this Book, has it been field tested and what are the reactions?

BBB: Oh yes, on numerous bases and the reviews of many users are just outstanding. One pastor in the USA said he used it and experienced baptism of more than one hundred persons in his church within one year.

LBW: Is there anything else you would like to share with us about this book?

BBB. There is a chapter for every member of the church to be engaged in evangelism or personal evangelism. It is a complete package for getting every member and leader involved in an effective way in soul winning.

LBW: How can persons who are interested in this valuable evangelistic resource obtain their personal copies?

BBB. If they are located within the territory of the Inter-American Division they may obtain copies through their local Conference/Mission or book and nutrition center. People who are not in the Inter-American Division territory can place their order at evangelismandleadershipresources.com