Book review from IAD

“This book provides practical ways to seek and retain members” April 7, 2015 | Miami, Florida, United States | Libna Stevens, News Writer and Assistant Communication Director, /Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventist.

A new book on organizing the church for evangelism and discipleship new members was released since January 2015 and aims to provide innovative insight into seeking, winning and conserving new members.

Author of the Book A Practical Guide to Evangelism How to Win and Keep New Members, Pastor Balvin Braham says this book is intended to deepen soul winning and conservation efforts within the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It also provides innovative ideas that church administrators and departmental leaders at every level of the organization, and all pastors and church elders can utilize to increase soul winning and enhance discipleship. It is more than a quantitative soul winning resource. Chapter two in particular gives details on the spiritual, team, congregation and outreach dynamics, which are four valuable paradigms for growing your Church qualitatively.

Every church member can find this book valuable in building their personal faith and enriching their witnessing capabilities. One entire chapter is dedicated to how they can sharpen their skills in the area of personal evangelism, specifically relating to visitation. It provides them with insights on how to serve as members of small groups, how to identify their spiritual gifts and various methods that they can utilize to conduct bible study with others.

The book highlights ways of executing personal and public evangelism and moves pastors and members toward critical thinking for defining and uncovering needs in their churches and communities for greater outreach. It outlines step-by-step methods on how to plan and execute effective family, women’s, men’s, youth, children’s and health evangelism initiatives and how each ministry may conduct effective nurturing of new believers. A practical guide on how to do Evangelism in Adventist educational institutions is one of the unique features of the book. How to Reach former Adventists and witness to those of non-Christian religions are also addressed.

Not only is this book a “practical how to guide” on public and personal evangelism as well as conserving new members; it has a complete chapter dedicated to new members of the Church. It gives them an almost complete guide on how to nurture their faith in Christ and the Church and offers them an orientation of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

One of the enriching features of this book is the Review and discussion questions at the end of each chapter that helps readers to capture the main points of the chapter and yet to contextualize the information to their cultural context. That makes it a resource that is not bound by culture or geographical region. Though newly published, Braham said some Adventist Universities have already decided to use it as evangelism textbook in their institutions.

QUOTE From BRAHAM “I am convince that the Lord gave me special inspiration to write this book and engineered the process that made it a reality. The extent to which it will impact church growth and retention is beyond imagining”. Braham is from St. Elizabeth, Jamaica, and has worked as an educator, evangelist, and conference president. Currently he serves as administrative field secretary in the Inter-America Division coordinating evangelism and church growth. His education includes a bachelor’s in theology from Northern Caribbean University, a master’s in religion from Andrews University, and a doctorate in organizational leadership from Argosy University.

The book is available in English, Spanish and French. For more information on how to obtain a copy of A Practical Guide to Evangelism How to Win and Keep New Members, contact your local conference if you are in the Inter-American Division or place your order at